Autumn Winther Collection 2021
The Filcolana collection for this Autumn and Winter is called Hav. Hav is the Danish word for ocean or sea, and that is exactly the inspiration for this collection. The often rough Autumn and Winter sea around Denmark. Long walks along the stormy beach. The colours of the ships, the surfers, the buoys, and other markings of the sea. The colours of the beaches, the sand dunes, and the salt meadows.
The collection is photographed at the closed down navy base Auderød-lejren. The pictures are shot around the base: by the old engines, in the old canteen, in the classroom, gym and swimming pool.
We hope this collection will inspire you to cast on for one or two new projects. Enjoy.
Nanna Gudmand-Høyer
Owner, Filcolana
Our Spring and Summer Collection, Playful Perspective, is inspired the work and artistry of the artist couple Morten Løfberg and Ida Noack.
Women throughout history have inspired this collection